Onlykashmir News Desk
There is a massive section among public members, who always longing to hit the news, come what may, among them is British-Kashmiri Ankit Love, the son of recently departed J&K National Panthers Party (NPP) Supremo Bhim Singh.
Love, 38, who was born in New Delhi and then shifted to London as a child due to his family’s political engagements, claims to be the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. He will face a court case against the Government of India in Westminster Magistrates Court, UK.

According to Ankit Love, “Maharaja” is a royal and sovereign title to the Kingdoms of Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh, which following the independence of India from Britain were recognized as sovereign independent countries by recognition of the Indian Independence Act 1947, Section 7.
Love is pleading not guilty in the court case, as he believes he has State Immunity, as the King of Kashmir. Love is being put on trial for breaking windows and throwing eggs at Indian High Commission in London.
Love also states that “illegal occupations” by both India and Pakistan could lead to a thermonuclear between those two countries that could lead to a nuclear famine where billions would die.
Ankit Love in a statement to the media, claims that India never legally assimilated the territory of Jammu and Kashmir and that the document is known as the Instrument of Ascension, signed by Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir and Lord Louis Mountbatten, under section 8, which states “Nothing in this Instrument affects the continuance of my Sovereignty in and over this State.”
Pertinently, Love started the One Love Party in London in 2015 and was also a mayoral candidate. On his list of political agendas: Clean air, legalizing Cannabis, and even ‘unification of Pakistan and India’.