This is likely the first time in history that instruments of Music were displayed on the pulpit of a Mosque. Not exclusively was the display, however, the music of this instrument was likewise recounted in a unique manner.
It is essential to know that this show was not performed by any non-Muslim and not by any customary Muslim, but rather an individual who played out this act is a ” credible cleric” who has a large number of devotees and on social media some half a million subscribers.
Crossing every one of the constraints of obliviousness, this individual has given obvious evidence of his misguidance and absence of information, however, a loathsome demonstration is a disgrace for individuals who might legitimize this demonstration because of their obliviousness.
This act falls into a similar classification under which we Muslims speak loudly against the rehashed profanation of the Quran in most European nations, also just recently.
In the event that we take a gander at Islamic history, it is sufficient to open our eyes that an individual like Waleed bin Uqba, in spite of being a lead representative, could be flagellated as a discipline for disregarding Islamic standards and offending the sacredness of mosque. What is this individual all the while intending to mislead and misdirect?
Hopefully, this individual’s demonstration not turns into a reference point for project workers of supposed Sufism, otherwise singing and music social events in our mosques will be a daily practice.
Today, the time is requesting that honorable muftis and clerics, who are in the very front of blazing explanations in regards to traffic lights, open their lips and register an assertion against the befouling of the mosque by a “devout and profound” person.