Inviting ‘shady’ personalities in School, a problematic scenario

According to India TV, this was a sting operation to expose the phenomenon of casting couch prevalent in Bollywood.

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Bilal Bashir Bhat

This week, an “elite” school in the Kashmir Valley made headlines for inviting a well-known Bollywood character actor to address its students. While the school’s students and staff seem enthusiastic about the actor’s visit, the decision triggered a debate on social media about whether such a figure is the right choice to inspire young minds.

The actor, whose career has largely been built on portraying dark and negative characters in films, has raised concerns among some parents and education experts. Many worry that his screen persona, often associated with violence, crime, and morally ambiguous roles, could send mixed messages to the students.

As one concerned parent, Shabir Ahmad, said, “Our children are at an impressionable age. They look up to celebrities not just for their achievements but also for the characters they play. Inviting an actor known for such negative roles both in reel and real life may glamorize the wrong kind of behavior.”

Inviting personalities from the entertainment industry to speak at educational institutions is an exciting proposition, especially when it comes to promoting diversity and offering students insights into unconventional career paths. The influence of celebrities on young minds is undeniable. In an era where pop culture dominates social media and entertainment infiltrates almost every aspect of daily life, such interactions can be both empowering and enlightening. However, we must tread carefully, particularly when it involves minors.

A key question arises, does an entertainer’s professional persona influence how students perceive them? The answer is often a resounding “yes.” The allure of a famous face can overshadow any concerns regarding the content that students might associate with them. This is where caution must come into play. While someone may lead an exemplary personal life, their portrayal of negative or morally questionable characters on screen can have unintended consequences.

Imagine this, a school invites a well-known Bollywood actor who has consistently portrayed corrupt politicians, abusive husbands, or criminals. As inspiring as their personal story might be, there’s no denying that young students, with their impressionable minds, are more likely to Google this individual afterward. What they’ll find could very well be a reel filled with depictions of violence, criminal activity, or even misogynistic behaviors.

Psychologist Dr. Zubeida aptly states, “Young minds are like sponges. They absorb not just the words spoken but also the images associated with a person. While actors are not responsible for the roles they play, educators must be mindful of how a public figure is perceived by their audience. A nuanced understanding of this can prevent the reinforcement of negative stereotypes.”

Dennis Hapoor, (not his real name) a well-known character actor in Bollywood, faced immense backlash after being caught in a sting operation by a news channel. The operation exposed him making lewd advances and suggesting a casting couch arrangement to a reporter posing as an aspiring actress.

Hapoor asked for sexual favor from an undercover reporter posing as an aspiring actress, in return for entry into the film industry. He told the undercover reporter: “I want to make love to you … kiss you” According to India TV, this was a sting operation to expose the phenomenon of the casting couch prevalent in Bollywood.

This incident sparked a controversy in Bollywood and Kapoor was banned by the Film & Television Producers Guild of India. The Association of Indian Motion Pictures and TV Programme Producers decided not to ban him as no allegations against him were proven. One week later, however, the Film & Television Producers Guild lifted the ban.

His sleazy behavior, revealed on national television, sparked widespread outrage. While Hapoor continued to land minor roles after the scandal, his reputation was permanently tarnished, his professional achievements were overshadowed by the controversy.

One could argue that Hapoor’s mistakes shouldn’t detract from his professional capabilities, but it’s impossible to separate the two in the public eye. Inviting such an individual to address a room full of impressionable students would be, at the very least, problematic. Children are likely to associate the speaker with the scandal more than any message of hard work or perseverance they might try to impart.

Conversely, there are countless figures from the entertainment industry who have played positive, heroic roles on screen and carry a clean image off it. Why not choose them? The key lies in finding individuals whose on-screen personas align with values educators want to instill in their students. After all, heroes who display courage, integrity, and moral fortitude on screen can leave a lasting, positive impression.

Ultimately, educational institutions bear a responsibility when inviting public figures to speak. In a world where information – or misinformation – is just a few clicks away, schools should opt for figures who not only inspire but also reflect the values they hope to foster in their students. After all, the line between fiction and reality blurs in young minds, and it’s better to be safe than sorry when shaping the future.

Inviting celebrities is about more than name recognition; it’s about delivering the right message. Schools would do well to focus on figures who radiate positivity and avoid those whose on-screen or off-screen behaviour could lead to confusion or, worse, the glorification of negativity.

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