Also various Bazar committees of Shahr e Khaas were part of delegation which include Javaid Ah Zargar of Jamia Market, Nisar Ah of Iqra Market Nowhatta, Mohd Shafi of Hawal Bazar Committee, Lateef Ah Sofi of Gousia Market Khanyar & Qazi Tauseef of Munawarabad Traders Association.
Thus Financial Empowerment by way of easy loan schemes will become an enabler for our media persons to undertake it as a full time profession with decent economic returns.”
As the cold approach reached pedestal, the news that came through was that senior and seasoned voice of Hurriyat (M) Professor Abdul Gani Bhat had met centre's interlocutor Dineshwar Sharma.
The first thing that comes in mind when any talk related to the Kashmir takes place is the field of journalism as due to turmoil like circumstances Kashmir is full of news and happenings always.