According to the estimates, there are at present 61000 daily wagers engaged in different government departments. Most of them have served the departments for many decades.
The police has appealed to the parents that it is the duty of every parent to watch the activities of their children and also take proper care of them to keep their children away from such type of ‘evils’ who are brain washing children.
Even the lofty promises of Jammu & Kashmir Government and the concerned IT Ministry to set up mega IT Parks in the valley have remained just promises as the result IT sector of Jammu & Kashmir has continued to lag behind.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) started his pious mission from this sacred land against infidels and polytheism and purified this land from all evils.
It is unbelievable that a matured girl traveling with her mother in business-class of the airplane could not find any opportunity to shout in the two-hours long journey to complain about alleged molestation.