
23 year old boy claims to built a Robot in Anantnag

He adds –“When I was in class 6 I did my first innovation ‘Fieldhelper’ It is a kind of a wooden box, which can be used for thinning of paddy saplings in waterlogged farms.”

Ramazan begins in Kashmir amid high hopes of Peace

Hoping a peaceful situation even after the Ramadan ceasefire pledged to pray 2 Rakats of Namaz-e-Hajat every day in Ramadan for the resolution of Kashmir issue.

On Mother’s Day: Kashmiri Mothers appealing militant sons return

Today on the eve of world motherhood day the mothers of Kashmir look most pain hit since they are at receiving end of violence. In Kashmir, the holy institution of motherhood has been brutalized on account of prevailing violence for over past three decades.

Pollen Menace is Back in Kashmir

Russian Poplars’, are on demand on a large-scale here, particularly because its wood is the key component for fruit boxes and also fetches good returns from plywood industry.

Flyover Inauguration: Depression in Downtown, Development in Uptown

"Flyovers are for uptown areas and downtown areas are moving towards backwardness. The governing structure does not carry about downtown."


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