The bloodbath in Kashmir is taking place at a time when the state Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti is hitting the headlines for his pro-dialogue statements in day in and day out.
Kashmir was however temporarily accessed to India and as promised by the then Prime minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,a plebiscite was to be done as to choose the destiny of the state according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir.
In the tournament, eleven teams of Kargil are participating and the matches which will be played from 9th to 12th January whereas the final match will be played on 13th of January 2018.
It is painful to note Hardly any flora and fauna now thrives on this lake and this is quiet a sickening development for the people of Kashmir as the loss of this valuable water body means a national loss.
From Social Media to real world people of Kashmir cutting across the political ideologies condemned the killing of Arif Sofi who happens son of prominent Hurriyat activist Maqbool Sofi evoked widespread condemnation from all corners of the society.