“Tanveer who has never walked two steps on his feet since birth is lone bread-earner of the family and should be free without further delay, at least on humanitarian grounds, said one of the neighbors of Tanveer .”
In the second match of the day Baba Adam XI won the toss and elected to bat first, Tariq Ahmad played a trilling knock of 61 runs in just 47 balls. The team managed to set a target of 156 runs against the Odo Spartans.
The book ‘Hijras of Kashmir-A Marginalized form of Personhood’ published by Jay Kay Books and written by Aijaz Ahmad Bund is based on the 24 interviews and ethnographic study on Kashmir’s transgender community.
Throughout the match there was unbridled passion of the Cricket fans with Umar Iqbal Dhar & Hilal Ahmad Bhat senior office bearers of Jammu and Kashmir Private Diagnostics Centres Association as Chief Guests.