
Hair Maze Short Film on Braid Chopping released in Kashmir

We are hopeful that our initiative would be a milestone in highlighting burning issues in Kashmir via creative ways and are hopeful that it would receive global viewership

Catalonia declares independence from Spain

After the debate, lawmakers from members of three main national parties — the People’s Party, the Socialists and Ciudadanos, walked out.

JK Pensioners to get insurance cover from next year

The Finance Minister said the situation in the last three decades has taken a toll on the society which has lost the sense of eldership,

GoI appoints former IB Chief as interlocutor for Kashmir dialogue

While responding to a question, Singh said that the interlocutor was appointed to keep the word of the Prime Minister who from the parapets of Red Fort had said that bullets are not going to solve in problem.

Use social networks for constructive activities: Police Chief to youth

Praising the efforts of Lal Public School, Botakadal, Srinagar for showcasing the cultural heritage by exhibiting the symbols of culture the DGP announced cash prize of Rs.20,000/- for the school.


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